Growth Mindset extra credit

This week, I chose to accept the growth mindset challenge that asked us to find two quotes from past students about the growth mindset and share our thoughts on them!

"A strategy that I employed during my freshman year was saying yes to any opportunity I had even a vague interest in doing. It really helped me make friends, learn to be uncomfortable, and realize the things I did and did not like to do. I hope my acronym will inspire others to try new things."

"Trying new things and exploring new paths is the only way to true growth, and I intend on growing into my best and most well-rounded self I can."

These are two of the quotes that really stuck out to me when completing this assignment. Saying "Yes" to things that might make me nervous or slightly uncomfortable has been something that I have struggled with since freshman year. A lot of the time, I have said "No" and then spent a lot of time trying to convince myself why it was okay that I said "No". More recently, I have found that saying "Yes", despite the fear or anxiety that some activities may bring, more often than not brings fun experiences, new friends, and new perspectives on life! Both of these quotes focus on saying "yes" and trying new things, and how both of these things are great ways to grow as a person. I do agree that without pushing yourself to be uncomfortable and be bold, you cannot grow the way you want to grow. If you stay comfortable, there will be no change for the better. I will try and keep these two quotes and ideas in the back of my mind for the rest of the year, in order to make my senior year even better!
Image result for say yes
Say Yes Rainbow, Wikimedia
