I had never heard of the Growth Mindset until watching this video. I found the content very interesting and I enjoyed doing the research to further understand the Growth Mindset. Ive never considered how powerful believing you can accomplish something truly is, especially when it comes to academics. There was something really powerful that Carol Dweck said during her TED talk that really caught my attention. She said "just the words "yet" or "not yet," we're finding, give kids greater confidence, give them a path into the future that creates greater persistence. And we can actually change students' mindsets." This really puts it into perspective how we can work to help all children work to reach their full potential. I liked that we were able to read opposing viewpoints to give us a a complete understanding of the perception of this idea in our society. I found it very interesting and also valid how one of the dissenting articles pointed out that most American schools are achievement based instead of opportunity based. The article pointed out how this reward system can create a major deficit,which is a viewpoint I had never considered. As for the Growth Mindset Challenges, I found it very cool how that website provides you with opportunities to practice using that mmindset in everday life. This application of the Growth Mindset is one that can actually help people apply it to their lives and use it to succeed.

Picture comparing Growth and Fixed Mindset
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