Reading Notes: Bible Women, Part A

King James Bible (1611): Genesis 29, Genesis 30 Rachel and Leah

I initially chose this option because I am already fairly familiar with stories in the bible, as I studied them a lot as a kid through various programs at my church. But, while reading through each individual story about these women and the roles that they played in familiar stories/parables, I found that I actually l earned several things that I either didn’t know or hadn’t payed attention to while I was initially learning them. Going back through these was a good refresher of how strong and influential these women were during this time, and I am glad I got the opportunity to do so. I also really enjoyed that the stories of the women were told in chronological order. It made it really easy to follow lineage wise and made it feel as connected and intertwined as I think it was intended to be! For my notes, I chose to focus on and expand upon one/several of my favorite Bible Women stories from each section.

From part A, the stories that I really enjoyed re-reading were the stories of Rachel and Leah. This sequence of events is like something out of reality TV. Can you imagine working for 7 long years to marry the woman of your dreams, only to find out that at the end of it, you ended up with her sister? THEN, imagine having to work another 7 years to get to marry the woman you actually wanted to end up with! Then after that, the woman that he had worked 14 years for could not have children, so Jacob had to have the majority of his 12-13 children with a woman he didn’t even love, and when Rachel was able to have kids, she died in labor! To me, this is way worse than what even the contestants on The Bachelor/The Bachelorette/BIP have to go through. This being said, if I did re-write this story, I would most likely want to re-tell it from a reality TV set/dating game show to really illustrate all of the drama that ensued while Jacob was trying to ‘get the girl’. Also, while reading this I found that it was difficult to follow every  detail of the story because of the fact that it is written in King James style language, and this is something that  I would love to change/restructure to change the perspective and meaning of the story!
Rachel's Tomb, Blogspot
