Featured Fables
Brer Rabbit
Well, it's another day in the good old briar patch! I sure do love this place, but sometimes it can get a little bit boring! Every day is the same: I wake up, I run from Brer Fox and whoever else he recruits to help him, and, after a good long while, I return safely to my rabbit hole where I am greeted by my loving family. I guess it is nice to have a daily routine, but sometimes I just wish I could escape. Like REALLY escape. After thinking about it for a bit, I went and found Mr. Bluebird; he always knew what to say when I was feeling blue and needed inspiration and after talking to him, I knew just what I had to do! I was going to go adventure! I'd been down in the dumps for ages and I thought that it was high time that I did something fun and exciting and a little bit dangerous. I was going to my Laughing Place and no one could stop me!
Brer Fox
This morning, as I was walking over to Brer Bears cave (as I have done every morning since coming to this here briar patch), I overheard a familiar voice coming from Mr. Bluebird's den. As I listened closer, I knew that it was the voice of my sworn enemy: Brer Rabbit! My days here are the briar patch are filled with me chasing down that mischievous little rabbit until I can't no more, so when I heard him say he was planning on leaving town and heading to his Laughing Place, I knew that I had to follow him and catch him, once and for all! I woke up Brer Bear and before you knew it, we were on our way.
Brer Rabbit
As I started on my journey, I came across several of the briar patch locals who warned me of the dangers of my adventure. Said that I needed to be careful and stay on the lookout for Brer Fox and his antics. I thanked them for their concern, but I knew that I would be just fine! Shortly after that, I saw some very strange things that made me wonder if I should've been worried. As I walked through the forest, I saw a very poorly made rabbit trap and a big beehive hovering over it. I was smart enough to avoid this trap, as it was very clearly set up by my mortal enemy, Brer Fox! He will not get me today! I knew he had to be close by, so I hopped ahead and hid behind a big tree so that I was concealed from their site. Just like I thought, Brer Fox and Brer Bear were waiting for me near the trap. When they saw that I had not fallen for it, they got angry and began to run in my direction! Well wouldnt you know that as we was running, Brer Bear, as clumsy as he is, fell into the trap! As the beehive fell onto his head, I let out a loud cackle and continued on my journey. Nothing can stop me from reaching my Laughing Place!
Brer Fox
After hearing about Brer Rabbit's little adventure, Brer Bear and I ran into the nearby forest and set up a clever rabbit trap. Over the trap, I hung a beehive, so that when he inevitably steps into the trap, he will be stung by all of the bees! I waited and waited for Brer Rabbit to hop on by, but he wasn't coming. Finally, I saw him in the distance and I hid in a bush nearby. To my surprise, he took one look at the trap and hopped right over it! Can you believe it? Out of pure anger, Brer Bear and I started chasing after that stupid rabbit, but as I took off I heard a big THUD behind me. It was Brer Bear! He had gotten stuck in the trap that I made and now had a buzzing beehive on his head. Although I couldn't see him , I knew Brer Rabbit was close by, as I heard his signature cackle after Brer Bear fell victim to my trap. After cleaning up, we headed on our way. Now that I knew he was close, I was going to catch that Brer Rabbit once and for all.
Brer Rabbit
At the end of the first day of my journey I was getting very tired, so I laid down in a smooth patch of grass to rest my weary head. Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep. Shortly after, I woke up to none other than Brer Fox and Brer Bear tying me up! They put me in a sack and whisked me away to what I can only imagine is Brer Fox's lair. When we got there, they hung me up over a cauldron of boiling water! Yikes! I knew I needed to escape, and escape fast, or I was going to die! Brer Fox and Brer Bear had their backs turned to me and were planning what to do with me next, when I wriggled free from the ropes and tipped over the pot of boiling water. With all of this commotion, I was able to escape. This is when I knew that I should've listened to all of the warnings! I wanted to go back to the briar patch; I wanted to go back home! When I finally arrived back home, I was greeted warmly by all of my critter friends. Home sweet home is the lesson today!! I'm glad to be here and I'm sure glad to stay!
Brer Fox
After stumbling upon a sleeping Brer Rabbit, Brer Bear and I knew this was our only chance to catch him and take him back to my lair. With one foul swoop, we captured the rabbit and took him away before he knew what was happening. Once we got back to my lair, we tied him up as fast as we could and hung him above a boiling pot of water. We were never going to kill him! We just wanted to give him a little scare so that he would stop causing mischief in our briar patch! I turned to talk to Brer Bear about my plan to keep him hanging there a while, and all of a sudden I felt hot water around my ankles. I yelped out in pain as I turned to see Brer Rabbit hopping away, free as a bird. I couldn't believe my plan had been foiled again. Maybe next time I will be able to catch that darned rabbit.
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Splash Mountain lit up at night, Disney Parks Blog |
Author's note: For this story, I told the story of Brer Rabbit using the storyline from Disney's Splash Mountain. I used what I learned about the characters from my story and combined it with the story that you see when you are on the log ride. I wrote from the perspectives of Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox to make the story more dynamic and more fun to read! Enjoy!
Emily, your story is super cute and I really like the style you wrote it in. However, I do not really know the story from Splash Mountain, so a quick background in your author's note would be super helpful. I also wonder what kind of mischievous behavior the rabbit got in to to make the fox so determined to catch him? The rabbit did not really seem mischievous until he was trying to escape the fox and bear. Overall, I really enjoyed reading your story, great work!!
ReplyDeleteHey Emily!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed how you structured this story from the dual perspectives of Brer Fox and Brer Rabbit. However, I think the story arc would have had more clarity if you structured the interactions sequentially. It was a but confusing reading about something that happens to Brer Rabbit, and then hearing Brer Fox's perspective from before this event. I like how you included Brer Bear in the story as well and made him a sort of sidekick for Brer Fox - although a clumsy one at that! Nice work.
Hi Emily!
ReplyDeleteThe way you told this story is cute, and I definitely felt like I had a good visual of what was going on. That said, as someone who hasn't really read much of the Brer Rabbit tales, nor has been on the Splash Mountain ride, I wasn't totally sure about a few things, such as what the "Laughing Place" was. I was also surprised to learn that they didn't plan to kill him, because I would have expected a fox and a bear to want to eat a rabbit. Otherwise, great job!
Hi Emily! I really enjoyed your story! I loved how you wrote it and think it is so creative. One critique that I have is to maybe split up your longer paragraphs into smaller ones that are a little easier to read. Just an idea! I have been on Disney’s Splash Mountain at night, so I think that it was great that you used this in your story!
ReplyDeleteEmily, I love how you structured this story. It was creative and engaging and I felt like I could really understand what each of the characters was feeling. I have not seen a story set up this way, but I think it worked really well and flowed well. I am impressed! I can tell you are a creative writer and I will for sure be visiting your page in the future. Great work!
ReplyDeleteHi Emily! I really liked your story based off Splash Mountain. I am going to be honest; I have not been to Disney in a while and cannot remember the story off the top of my head. I can imagine that someone who has never been to Disney might not know the story at all. I would add a brief summary of the story to your author’s note and then your story will be perfect! Great job!